Sunday, November 1, 2009
Nikola Tesla, the eccentric - and unbelievably under-rated - genius known as the ‘wild man of electronics’, was without doubt one of the greatest minds in the history of the human race.
Admittedly, he also had more loose screws than a Mechano set.
If it weren't for this slightly manic genius, you wouldn't be reading this page, you probably wouldn't be doing it in a brightly-lighted room - and you certainly wouldn't be reading it on your computer.
Tesla invented the alternating-current generator that provides your light and electricity, the transformer through which it is sent, and even the high voltage coil of your picture tube. The Tesla Coil, in fact, is used in radios, television sets, and a wide range of other electronic equipment - invented in 1891, no-one's ever come up with anything better.